Currently in the ending stage of a million dollar renovation. The existing home is around 90+ years old and holds a certain level of historical value to the local community. We have gutted the interior and added a master bedroom addition, office and two story addition. Both addition are highly contemporary and form a love it or hate it marriage between the old federal/victorian home and it's new counter part. Click pics to make large.
The front.
View from the back. Master bedroom addition top left, office bottom left, and 2 story addition on right.
Looking into the master bedroom and the Mahogany deck. The structure is almost all glass. In California you would have to use steel to build this structure. Not in the good old Kentucky though. Notice the corner window.
Side view of the cantilevered soffit. It's amazing in person. Notice the zero tolerance between the window and the soffit. Makes me nervous of what will happen when the house moves, but it looks phenomenal. The designers gave us a "wish list drawing." I'll take credit for building it into reality with the help of my crew.
View of soffit from below. Not complete, but close.
This is thrown in just because these old mantels fascinate me. You just don't see this where I'm from. This house has 4 of them in it.